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How to Increase Testosterone: 7 Tips for Men

Today we want to inspire and help you increase testosterone in men. Because let's be honest, who doesn't want more power, energy and self-confidence? Before we immerse you in our great tips, we'll introduce you to the hormone testosterone. It's the male hormone responsible for muscle building, energy and libido!

We have some great tips to boost your testosterone and unleash your inner power!

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What is testosterone anyway?

Before we give you all our tips on how to increase testosterone, we want to introduce you to the hormone.

Testosterone, the ultimate male hormone, plays a crucial role in the lives of men. Produced in the testicles, it plays a key role in the development of male characteristics such as muscle mass, facial hair, and deep voice. But testosterone is much more than that. It also affects our energy levels, mood, libido, and overall well-being.

As a powerful force behind your masculinity, testosterone deserves our attention and care. Our tips will help you optimize your testosterone levels naturally.

What does sex do to your testosterone?

For both men and women, we know that sex is an important aspect of our lives. But have you ever wondered what sex does to your testosterone? Research has shown that sex has a direct impact on your testosterone levels.

A study published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology found that men who had sex with their partner experienced a temporary increase in their testosterone levels. This means that a satisfying sex life can contribute to healthy testosterone levels.

On the other hand, long periods of abstinence tend to cause a slight drop in testosterone. It is important to find a healthy balance in your sexual activity to keep your testosterone levels up.

How do you know if your testosterone is too low?

We think it's important that you can recognize whether your testosterone could use a boost. If you notice that you are tired, have less energy, feel less muscle strength and have a lowered libido, it could be that your testosterone is low. Don't worry, we've got your back!

Symptoms of low testosterone

As men, we want to feel our best at all times. But sometimes factors like age, stress, and lifestyle can affect our testosterone levels. Let’s take a look at some common symptoms of low testosterone:

  1. Fatigue : Do you often feel tired and listless, even after a good night's sleep?
  2. Lack of energy : Do you feel like your batteries are no longer fully charged?
  3. Muscle Loss : Do you notice that your muscle mass is decreasing, even when you exercise regularly?
  4. Lower Libido : Are you less interested in sex than before?
  5. Changes in mood : Are you more often irritable, anxious, or feeling depressed?
  6. Erectile Dysfunction : Do you have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection?
  7. Increased Body Fat : Are you noticing an increase in fat around your abdominal area?

If you experience any of these symptoms, your testosterone may be low. Fortunately, there are ways to turn things around and restore your energy.

Causes of low testosterone in men

Men, we are all unique, and sometimes different factors can affect our testosterone levels. Here are some possible causes of low testosterone in men:

  1. Age : As we age, our natural testosterone production gradually decreases. This is a normal part of aging (in which case a supplement can be a great support).
  2. Stress : Prolonged and intense stress can disrupt our hormone balance, which can lead to a drop in testosterone levels.
  3. Lack of Sleep : Insufficient sleep can negatively impact testosterone production. Make sure you get enough rest.
  4. Unhealthy diet : A diet high in processed foods and sugar can throw our hormones out of balance.
  5. Lack of Exercise : Regular exercise is essential to support our testosterone levels.
  6. Obesity : Obesity can lead to increased conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which lowers testosterone levels.
  7. Certain medications : Some medications can have a negative effect on our hormonal system.

The good news is that many of these factors can be addressed with a healthy lifestyle and possibly additional support such as #14 Testo Booster from Goldea Health. We will explain this in detail in the tips.

What can you do if your testosterone is too low?

Tip 1: A good night's sleep

Your sleep is crucial for healthy testosterone levels. So give your body what it deserves and make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. A good night's sleep will boost your testosterone and help you regain your power!

Tip 2: Say no to cigarettes

Smoking is not only bad for your lungs, it can also lower your testosterone levels. It's time to put those cigarettes away and choose a healthier lifestyle.

Tip 3: Train powerfully, briefly and intensely

Strength training is the key to increasing your testosterone. So throw those dumbbells up, lift those weights and feel the power!

Tip 4: No mobile phone in your pocket

Did you know that carrying your cell phone in your pocket can affect your testosterone? Yes, it’s true! Electromagnetic radiation can disrupt your hormones. So keep that phone out of your pocket and out of the bedroom while you sleep.

Tip 5: Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can lower your testosterone, so be sensible and enjoy in moderation.

Tip 6: Power snacks with nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fats and nutrients that can boost your testosterone. So if you’re feeling peckish between meals, grab a handful of almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds or add them to your meals.

Tip 7: Go organic

Organic foods contain fewer harmful chemicals and pesticides, which can affect your hormones. So choose organic vegetables, fruits and (grass-fed) meat.

What else works as a testosterone booster?

In addition to our great tips, there are also natural supplements that can increase your testosterone levels. At Goldea Health, we have a new supplement specifically for men. Our formula includes zinc, B5, zinc, boron, selenium, ginseng and arginine.

Why these vitamins:

  • Selenium contributes to sperm motility
  • Selenium contributes to the production of sperm cells
  • Selenium to protect healthy cells and tissues
  • Zinc, good for male fertility
  • B5 activates your natural energy in the body

There are many more benefits of the #14 Testo Booster!

Always consult an expert before using supplements. Consult our orthomolecular therapist Cynthia for free and personal advice tailored to your needs!


Increasing your testosterone is within reach. With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can increase your energy and power. Listen to your body, stay motivated, and most importantly, get started with the tips and supplement advice!

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  • Journal of Evolutionary Biology