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Caffeine Effects: The Truth and Its Impact on Your Hormones and Body

Today is a special day, because it's September 26th, National Coffee Day! A perfect opportunity for us to take a closer look at the effect of caffeine on the female hormonal system. We, Goldea Health , are dedicated to helping women who want to optimize their hormones for a healthy and balanced life. We are happy to share our insights, tips and advice with you! Caffeine, that seductive substance that often gives us such a delicious kickstart in the morning. But what happens when you get too much of a good thing?

Directly to:

  • The impact on your hormones
  • Disadvantages of caffeine/coffee
  • How to Know if You're Caffeine Intolerant
  • What contains caffeine?
  • Making hormone-proof coffee
  • Conclusion
  • Need more inspiration?

The impact on your hormones:

Did you know that caffeine can affect the hormones in your body? And we don't just mean that sudden energy boost after your first cup of coffee.

Example: Drinking coffee on an empty stomach in the morning is like starting your car without a full tank. You’re basically giving the gas pedal a hard twist without the necessary fuel in the tank… For some people, this is no problem at all, but for women who experience a lot of stress on a daily basis, it can be a challenge.

Caffeine gives you a quick adrenaline rush, giving you an artificial energy boost. But this boost is short-lived and is often followed by an even bigger energy dip, especially if you haven't had breakfast and your body is deficient in essential nutrients!

Even more concerning, caffeine can negatively impact your adrenal glands. It stimulates these small glands to produce adrenaline and cortisol, the well-known stress hormones that prepare you for a “fight or flight” response. While these hormones are useful in situations of acute stress (like running from a lion), in our modern lives, our adrenal glands are often overworked and overstimulated by this constant exposure to caffeine and stress.

Disadvantages of Caffeine/Coffee

Let's face it, we love our coffee, but sometimes too much of a good thing can be harmful.

  1. Stress hormones : Coffee can increase the production of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.
  2. Adrenal Disruption : Excessive caffeine consumption can overload and exhaust the adrenal glands.
  3. Sleep Disruption : Coffee can reduce sleep quality and disrupt sleep cycles.
  4. Estrogen Balance : Caffeine can affect estrogen balance in women, which can cause menstrual problems.
  5. Calcium Loss : Coffee can lead to calcium loss through urine, which can affect bone health.
  6. Insulin sensitivity : Excessive coffee consumption can reduce insulin sensitivity.
  7. Fertility : Caffeine may negatively affect fertility in women.
  8. Blood Pressure and Heart Rate : Coffee can increase blood pressure and heart rate, which can affect hormonal responses.
  9. It robs B vitamins: to supplement these I recommend: a Vegan Multi .

How to Know if You're Caffeine Intolerant

Many women experience side effects of caffeine in their bodies. Ironically, coffee, which you think is a solution to functioning well, can be the cause of the very problems you think you need coffee for. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it is possible that your body is not processing caffeine as efficiently as you would like:

  • Nervousness and tension
  • Insomnia : Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Restlessness : Having a constant feeling of unrest, of being rushed.
  • Fatigue : Paradoxically, caffeine can cause fatigue, which perpetuates coffee cravings.
  • High blood pressure : Increased blood pressure due to caffeine use.
  • Fluctuating blood sugar levels : A sharply changing blood sugar level, which can manifest itself in constant hunger or a craving for sugar.
  • Digestive problems : Discomforts such as stomach cramps, diarrhea or constipation.
  • Increased resting heart rate : A faster heart rate, even when you are relaxed.

Often these symptoms are attributed to other causes, such as adrenal fatigue (burnout) or anxiety disorders. However, it is worth considering whether caffeine is playing a role in these symptoms and trying a caffeine-free period can be illuminating for your overall well-being.

What contains caffeine?

Caffeine isn't just found in your beloved cup of coffee. It can also sneak into other foods and drinks.

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Energy and soft drinks
  4. Chocolate
  5. Some herbal teas
  6. Medicines
  7. Nutritional supplements

Hormone proof coffee

We like to think in possibilities and we have good news! There is a way to enjoy your coffee without throwing your hormones out of balance. We call it 'hormone proof coffee' and we are going to tell you exactly how to make it.

How to make hormone proof coffee

  1. Breakfast First: Start your day with a nutritious breakfast before reaching for your coffee. This will nourish your body and prevent caffeine from having too much of an impact.
  2. Timing: Choose the right time for your coffee consumption. Your natural cortisol peak in the morning makes this the ideal time.
  3. Collagen powder: Add a scoop of collagen powder to your coffee. This can help maintain healthy hormonal balance.
  4. Plant-based or cow's milk: Add plant-based or organic raw cow's milk (healthy fats) for a latte effect.
  5. Celtic Sea Salt: If you suffer from stress, add a mini pinch of Celtic sea salt to your coffee to replenish your minerals.

Hormone proof coffee offers many benefits:

  1. Less restlessness and agitation : It calms feelings of restlessness and agitation.
  2. Heart rate stabilization : Your heart rate remains stable, without unnecessary acceleration.
  3. Increased energy and concentration : It provides long-lasting energy without concentration dips.
  4. Less perspiration : You will suffer less from sweaty hands and night sweats.
  5. Reduce PMS Symptoms : Breast tenderness and other PMS symptoms in particular may be reduced, as the liver enzymes that break down caffeine also help process harmful estrogens.

If you continue to experience symptoms, try to avoid coffee altogether.

Other Alternatives to Caffeine

We have some alternatives in store for you that can keep your energy levels up without disrupting your hormones.

  1. Herbal teas : Chamomile, peppermint, ginger, and rooibos are all caffeine-free options that offer delicious flavors and health benefits.
  2. Matcha : This green tea powder contains caffeine, but provides a slower and more sustained energy release than coffee.
  3. Chicory Coffee : Chicory coffee, made from roasted chicory root, has an earthy flavor and is caffeine-free.
  4. Golden Milk : A mixture of heated milk, turmeric, and spices like cinnamon and black pepper can be a caffeine-free alternative with anti-inflammatory benefits.
  5. Lemon Water : Start your day with a refreshing glass of lemon water to awaken your senses without caffeine.
  6. Plant-Based Smoothies : Make energizing smoothies with vegetables, fruits, and plant-based proteins and healthy fats for a healthy start to the day.
  7. Chaga Tea : Chaga mushroom tea is known for its adaptogenic properties and can provide a caffeine-free energy boost.

Extra Tips

Week before menstruation: limit caffeine

Did you know that caffeine can affect your menstrual cycle? Those last few days before your period can be intense. Caffeine can increase mood swings and fatigue. Reduce your caffeine intake and try calming chamomile or rooibos tea.

Tea as a coffee alternative

If you’re trying to cut down on your coffee intake, tea is a great choice. Recent research has revealed that as much as 94% of tea is contaminated with pesticides. In addition, consumer protection groups have already shown that many supermarket tea bags contain added flavourings and sugar to disguise their poor quality. It’s important to be aware of these issues when choosing your tea. So choose organic tea from brands such as Pukka, Yogi, or Zonnatura for a healthier alternative. These teas are pure and free from harmful pesticides. This is better for your hormones and the environment. Small changes, big difference!


Hopefully this blog has helped you gain a better understanding of how caffeine affects your hormones and your body. It is important to be aware of what you are consuming and how it affects your well-being. Remember that small lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your coffee consumption, can have a big impact on your hormonal balance and overall health.

Sometimes just quitting coffee isn't enough. When your hormones are out of balance, our product #13 Hormone Balance can help! Would you like someone to look over your shoulder and give you personal advice? That's possible! Click here for free advice from our orthomolecular therapist.

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