Reading time: 6 minutes Last edit: November 3, 2022Goldea Health gives tipsHealthy skin. We all want that, right? Although we often want it for the eye, healthy skin also says a lot about our health. For example, many women suffer more from impurities when they menstruate. Also when we are sad or stressed, our skin seems less shiny, more dehydrated and less colorful than normal. When we are healthy and feel good about ourselves , our complexion seems beautiful and even. This reflects the relationship that exists between the skin and your health. With a length of about 2 meters and a weight of almost 5 kilos, the skin is the largest organ of our body. You want your body to have the best support. You only have one body and of course you have to take good care of it. If you put the wrong petrol in your car, your car will not run properly. This also applies to our body. Because of the way we live, our body needs a lot of essential nutrients. Healthy food and a supplement of the right supplements ensure that your health is in good balance. Below you will find 9 tips for healthy skin through nutrition.
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Tip 1. Fresh foodEat fresh foods and avoid trans fats, hydrogenated fats, processed foods, ready-made meals, and food from packets and cans. Tip 2. Omega fatty acidsEat enough fat (omega fatty acids). Avoid hardened fats as much as possible, because these fats are hydrogenated. This is a special process that most vegetable oils undergo so that they are suitable for baking and frying. This is done by converting the fats from a liquid to a solid form. Hydrogenated fats are found almost everywhere; from peanut butter, cookies, crackers, and pastries to chips and pizza. Therefore, read the labels of food products carefully. Also avoid trans fatty acids that come from fried fats and oils and are found in margarine, pastries, snacks and chips. Instead, choose fatty fish that contains healthy fats to nourish the skin and mucous membranes. Or choose nuts and seeds that are not heated and unsalted. Alternate between organic peeled hemp seeds, chia seeds, (un)broken linseed and pumpkin, sunflower and pine nuts. You can also use hemp, linseed or walnut oil, without heating it. Tip 3. Enough waterDrink enough (spring) water per day (on average 35 ml per kg body weight) to hydrate the skin. Avoid drinking soft drinks. These drinks contain a lot of (artificial) sugars and therefore overdose minerals on the body. Tip 4. Enough vegetablesEat large portions of fresh organic vegetables. Eat at least 500 grams of organic vegetables per day. An easy way to get this amount of vegetables is in the form of pureed vegetable soup or vegetable juices. In addition, eat three pieces of fruit per day for sufficient fiber, as food for the intestinal flora. Avoid fruits such as banana, citrus fruits, cherries, apricots and pineapple; these can aggravate eczema. Tip 5. Sulphur-containing amino acidsConsume sufficient sulphur-containing amino acids for skin building. Choose vegetable proteins such as tofu, tempeh, legumes and fresh nuts. If you eat meat, choose organic (hormone-free) meat or poultry such as mutton and beef, chicken and turkey. For proteins from dairy, you can choose goat, sheep or coconut yoghurt. Also try goat milk and rice, oat, quinoa or almond milk. Limit or eliminate dairy from cows. However, eczema can be aggravated by dairy (also from goats and sheep). See if temporarily eliminating dairy improves skin complaints. Tip 6. Sufficient B vitaminsGet enough B vitamins. Healthy skin needs enough food that is rich in vitamin B. There are different types of B vitamins that work together. Therefore, choose seeds, legumes, eggs, oily fish, sprouts, quinoa, green leafy vegetables such as kale and endive (spinach is best avoided because of the biogenic amines), lentils, black beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and asparagus. Tip 7. Zinc-rich foodEat zinc-rich foods (good for inflammation). The mineral zinc is very important for skin complaints. Meat, fish, poultry, legumes and nuts and seeds are rich in zinc. Tip 8. Vitamin A and vitamin DVitamin A and D are needed for the renewal of the epithelium of the mucous membranes. Vitamin A is found in animal products such as meat (organic liver), dairy, fish and egg yolk. The body also produces vitamin A itself from carotenoids in plant products. The most important provitamin A carotenoid is beta-carotene. Provitamin A is found in vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, pointed cabbage and fruit (apricots). Other provitamin A carotenoids are alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. The body also converts these provitamins into vitamin A. Vitamin D is found in fatty fish, such as herring, salmon and mackerel. Sufficient vitamin A and D are therefore necessary for the skin and the hormone balance. To properly absorb the fat-soluble vitamin A and D, you can use unrefined olive oil, linseed oil, walnut oil and hemp oil. Tip 9. BlueberriesBlueberries. These are powerful antioxidants that protect the body against free oxygen radicals. They also reduce the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for inflammation, among other things. SummaryAn unhealthy skin can make your skin look less shiny and more dehydrated. By eating the right food you can improve the health of your skin. For example, it is important to eat fresh food and as little food as possible from 'packets'. It is also important to get enough omega fatty acids, water, vegetables and sulphur-containing amino acids. Finally, enough B vitamins, zinc-rich food, vitamin A and D and blueberries can also help improve the health of your skin. Frequently Asked QuestionsHow can I tell if my skin is not healthy? When your skin is not optimal healthy, this can manifest itself in more impurities and blemishes. Your skin can also look less shiny and more dehydrated. Are the supplements completely plant-based and natural? Yes, all supplements are completely plant-based. They are completely natural and available as a vegetable capsule or softgel. What supplements do I need? That depends on your attitude to life and what deficiencies you could supplement. Do you want to know which supplements you need? Request a free and personal advice here . Do you have any questions?Do you have any questions after reading the blog? No problem! Contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions. |