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POWER 5 MAGNESIUM supplement

With the natural #06 Power 5 Magnesium from Goldea Health you can optimally benefit from the health benefits of the 5 best absorbable magnesium compounds together.

We have combined the five organic forms of magnesium citrate, bisglycinate, malate, gluconate and taurate into one supplement because of their specific applications. We will be happy to explain the difference between the various magnesium compounds below.

From Dutch soil

Product details

Why is POWER 5 MAGNESIUM important?

Magnesium Citrate:This is one of the most well-known forms of magnesium. It is organically bound, making it easily absorbed by the body. Citrate is especially beneficial for maintaining supple muscles and helps reduce fatigue during physical exertion.

Magnesium Bisglycinate:Also organically bound, this type of magnesium is treated by our body as an amino acid, making it highly absorbable. It contains L-Glycine, which is beneficial for the brain, and can help with relaxation before bed, maintaining good memory and a healthy mental balance.

Magnesium Taurate:A combination of magnesium and taurine, which enhance each other's effect. These forms are also organically bound and are therefore quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the state of mind and can be supportive in case of a nervous feeling. Good for concentration, learning performance and memory.

Magnesium Malate:Magnesium Malate, a combination of magnesium and malic acid, is the ideal choice for tackling fatigue and reduced muscle function. This compound is particularly well absorbed by our muscle tissue, making it the most effective form of magnesium for these purposes.

Magnesium Gluconate:A combination of magnesium and gluconic acid. It is used for stiff muscles, rheumatism and chronic fatigue. Magnesium Gluconate is vital for supporting muscle and nerve functions, maintaining a healthy heart rhythm, promoting strong bones and regulating blood pressure.

Inorganic forms of magnesium such as -chloride, -oxide and -sulfate are less biologically available, and are therefore less well absorbed. In addition, we mainly ingest the inorganic form from our food, of which our body only absorbs a fraction. That makes the value of this Power 5 Magnesium supplement all the greater.

Why is it healthy?

Your body needs this mineral to function properly, because this mineral is involved in more than 600 enzyme-driven biological reactions that take place in the body. If these processes run smoothly in the body, this results in optimal health with many health benefits. In addition, this mineral helps to reduce fatigue and ensures a fit feeling.

Why take magnesium supplements?

The body does not produce this itself. We must therefore obtain it from our diet, or supplement the amount with a nutritional supplement. Without it, our body cannot produce energy. Without it, our muscles would contract continuously. Magnesium also affects the amount of cholesterol.

How do I know if my body has a deficiency?

You can request a blood test from your GP to check whether you are getting enough magnesium. However, this result can give a distorted picture because only 1% can be found in the blood and only 3% in the blood serum. So you do not yet know whether you have a deficiency.

Do you regularly consume caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, sweets and are you subject to stress? Then there is a good chance that your body has a severe deficiency.

Ingredient composition

Composition per daily dose (2 capsules):

Magnesium Malate | 100mg* | 33% RI**

Magnesium Citrate | 90 mg* | 30% RI**

Magnesium Bisglycinate | 20 mg* | 7% RI**

Magnesium Taurate | 12 mg* | 4% RI**

Magnesium Gluconate | 10 mg* | 3% RI**

*Elemental content

**RI = Reference Intake

A strong magnesium complex. In total consisting of: 645 mg Malate, 573 mg Citrate, 171 mg Gluconate, 165 mg Bisglycinate and 144 mg Taurate. Of which 232 elemental content.

Ingredients:Magnesium as Malate, Citrate, Bisglycinate, Taurate and Gluconate. Rice Concentrate, Lecithin, Olive Oil.

  • Vegetable capsule (HPMC, natural colorant (Copper Complex of Chlorophyll)).
  • Free from artificial fillers, lactose, preservatives, colourings, fragrances, flavourings & gluten.

What are the benefits?

Magnesium is an essential mineral that your body needs. It plays an important role in over 300 physiological processes in the body. It supports the maintenance of flexible muscles and healthy bones, stimulates the natural energy in the body, contributes to mental clarity and reduces fatigue. It is not for nothing that it is also called the 'miracle mineral'. All forms of magnesium are good to take as a supplement, but a combination of all 5 is even better!

Goldea Health is not legally allowed to provide all (complete) information regarding the effects of this supplement. Despite the scientific substantiation that exists for this. For more information, we recommend consulting an orthomolecular expert.

Approved health claims
  • Contributes to thereductionbyfatigueandfatigue
  • Contributes to normal functioning of themuscles
  • Contributes to the maintenance ofnormal bones
  • Plays a role in thecell division process
  • Contributes to anormal protein synthesis
  • Contributes to agood electrolyte balance
  • Contributes to anormal energy-yielding metabolism
  • Contributes to astrong teeth
  • Contributes to anormal psychological function
  • Contributes tomental resilienceand energy
  • Contributes to aclear mind
  • Is good for theconcentration ability,memoryand thelearning achievement
Use and dosage

2 capsules per day with a meal, unless otherwise advised. You can also mix it with your yoghurt, a smoothie or other food. The capsules are easy to open.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

A varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important, and nutritional supplements should not be used as a substitute.

Safety and medication use

To be used from 12 years. (1 capsule from 6 years.)

In case of pregnancy, lactation, illness or medication use, consult a doctor before use.

Storage advice: Store in a dry place at room temperature, out of reach of children.

  • Resistance

  • Joints

  • Energy

  • Vegan


Please visit our FAQ page for more frequently asked questions.

Why should I take a nutritional supplement?

There could be several reasons for this. Many people fail to get the right amount of nutrients every day.

In addition, our soil is depleted and our food no longer contains the amount of vitamins and minerals that it used to. In certain circumstances, such as pregnancy, sports, aging or chronic illness, your body needs extra nutrients.

In addition, people choose a supplement for its specific effect, such as for a good night's sleep, to support strong bones or as a natural sedative in stressful situations.

What are nutritional supplements?

Dietary supplements are food or drink products that are intended to supplement normal nutrition. They are a concentrated source of one or more micronutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.

Vitamins are the best-known nutritional supplements. But there are many more. Think of products with minerals, herbs, fish oil or probiotics. All intended as something extra on top of the daily diet and for maintaining good health.

Where do you produce the nutritional supplements?

On Dutch soil at renowned and certified manufacturers. Would you like more information about our production process? Please contact us via info@goldea-health.com .

Why take Goldea nutritional supplements?

Because our nutritional supplements:

  • consist of 100% natural ingredients;
  • be highly dosed;
  • be very well absorbed;
  • are offered at a fair price;
  • are also suitable for vegans.
Can you combine different nutritional supplements?

With a few exceptions, our nutritional supplements can be combined well with each other and they complement each other nicely. As an exception, we advise against taking supplements that indicate that they cannot be taken with brain regulators (medication) together. Such as our Mood Control, Relax Complex & Natural Sleep Support. The Relax Complex also does not go together with the Energy Boost. The Hormone Balance was developed for women, the Testo Boost for men and therefore do not go together. Furthermore, it is important to look at the contraindications per supplement (safety and use of medication). A supplement that does combine well with each other is the Vitamin D (+ K) with Power 5 Magnesium, this increases the absorption of vitamin D. Doubts? Feel free to contact us or request a free supplement advice. We are happy to help you!

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